Non Linear time

  • June 14, 2024 11:07 am

We have a choice in every moment how to live our lives.

Linear time has ruled my reality for most of my life and I have bought into the illusion that it is a given that one must abide by to be socially appropriate. I am now challenging that concept. I am not replacing linear time but I am expanding my options by including synchronous time.

It has been in my peripheral vision for years that when I am following my purpose or my soul’s path then synchronicity plays a big part in affirming to me that all is well. I have long believed that the Universe conspires to provide us with what we deeply believe in so that we are able to create or at least co-create our reality so that it plays out to confirm our beliefs and deep held convictions.

The universe or God or a higher intelligence, whatever you choose to call it takes cues from us as to how we expect our lives to unfold. This is not on the surface level, but our deep-seated beliefs and programming that resides in our unconscious mind. If for example we believe we are lucky, it is amazing how “lucky” we appear to be or if we feel we are a victim, how often that role will be available for us to play out in our lives too.

Therefore, when I link what my belief has been about linear time being fixed and not negotiable to the Universe conspiring to deliver what I believe in, guess what?  I get what I expect and my life rolled out in a linear time way with only momentary awareness of Synchronous time.

Recently I returned from a holiday in Canada and weather it was the energy of Canada that awoke it or the fact that I was on holiday and therefore much more conscious than I am in my everyday life, I really became aware of the times synchronicity played its important role in the events of my days there.

I think when you are travelling you are more “awake” and aware of things that are happening around you. It is as if we are only using half of our awareness in our everyday life but when we travel we seem to respond to the new experiences with curiosity and attention. The expanded awareness allows us to take in more of the nuances that are happening around us if we allow them to and for me this made synchronicity more apparent to me.

There is one proviso for this to happen. When we travel, we need to be in a state of calmness and not in fear or anxiety. Those states will negate our ability to register what is available to us on both a sensory level as well as a synchronous level as they promote our need to control each and every situation ourselves instead of letting it unfold before us.

What do I mean by embracing synchronous time or to live in synchronous time?

Firstly, it is about trust. It is a journey into trusting that there is a fluidity about our reality that things are not set in a concrete path ahead of you. That things can change instantly with a shift in consciousness or intention. It is about letting go of the Newtonian concept of cause and affect being the dominant impact on reality and being open to ideas of “like attracts like” and that actually we are all a part of a huge eco system that is interdependent and interconnected. That there is a universal lifeforce that has, as its highest aspiration, “the good of the Whole system.”

It is about recognising when you meet the right person, as if by chance that helps unfold the next level of understanding or growth or development for you. Or you can be in the right place to see yet another part of the answer that you were seeking.

The way living in Synchronous time works for me is that I engage each day with curiosity and await what the Buddhists call “right time” for things to come about. I have learned to live in the “not knowing for sure “ space that allows things to unfold or evolve naturally.

If I desire and outcome, I might put it out there as an intention but always with the spaciousness of being able to accept that what my desired outcome is not always delivered in the way that I expect it to come.

For example, I can be intent in going out to get a chore done when I am delayed by a phone call or a need to do a task that I didn’t expect to have to do before I went out. I soften into this and attend to it trusting that the Universe needed some more time to set up the circumstances and events for me to meet when I do eventually get out there to do my chore. Or more importantly, maybe I needed to be available for that phone call… maybe that person really did need to speak to me, so I try to attend to them without feeling like I am being held up from what I thought I needed to do.

I am so lucky to now be living in circumstances where I have the luxury of choosing what I want to do each day. How I spend my time is up to me and this has made it so much easier to drop into being of service to the Universe. Being available to be a conscious part of what it takes to conspire for the greatest good of the Whole eco system that I belong to and am a part of.



June 2024


  • July 15, 2013 3:10 pm

Welcome to my world.  I love the magic of creativity, the sacred of ritual and the manifestation of spirituality. I have been fortunate enough during my life to be able to follow a number of roads which have led me to discover all sorts of magic about people, things, and ideas and how to bring joy and hope back into life. I would love to share some of these with you.

My artwork has evolved from ceramics when I was at school, through porcelain painting, water colour painting, acrylics and multimedia and through a love of working with glass. I have come full circle and am back working mostly in paint, multi media, and printing.

I am a Transpersonal Art Therapist which really brings the two loves of my life together…. the spiritual and the creative. My work with the sacred has been a long, and sometimes challenging, personal journey of awakening. Along the way I have discovered the power of energy work, meditation, symbolism, dream work, transpersonal psychology and esoteric studies. I have journeyed with Shamans, drummed with indigenous people, sang the song lines of the land, discovered the ‘power of now’ for myself and learned from many teachers and gurus. I study the Tao; try to always live mindfully and consciously on purpose.

I believe strongly in helping facilitate others to find their purpose and their power, to share in the abundance that I perceive in the world and believe that we all have the courage to become our real selves, bringing forth our light and love as spiritual beings having a human and physical experience. I call myself a Soul practitioner as I use a number of modalities when I work with clients but feel it is all guided by an intention of “for the highest good and in the right time, using respect as the central core”