October 2023
Just putting it out there……
As part of my Art Therapy practice I have been working on a new program called Open Studios. It is supervision and peer support for therapists.
Open Studios
It is based on a concept that Shawn Mc Niff uses in art therapy. It brings a group together to create art in an Open Studio enviornment which means that it is not directive but very interactive. The studio holds all sorts of possibilities with the various materials and gives us the time and space to be the searcher, the creator and the time to drop into our own unconscious. We make art individually with the intent of exploring our own unresolved or current issues and then use the group to reflect and draw out what the art reveals.
It is a very powerful way for us therapists, to look after ourselves and helps reduce burnout and vacarious pain and trauma that often creeps in without us realising it.
We meet once a month and try to keep the group relatively constant. If you are interested in joining one of the groups, please contact me.
Embracing the power of sharing
Have a creative October