As a part of my Art Therapy Practice I am now providing Supervision and Peer Support in the form of Open Studios for Therapists.
As a therapist I am aware that I am prone to neglect my own self care and nuturing. As the saying goes we need to fill our own cups up before we can fill that of our clients, friends and family if we want to maintain health, equilibrium and balance.
So with this in mind and my strong belief in the benefits of Art as Therapy, I have begun a group called Open Studios. It is for therapists to attend with thier peers in which we make art and then use the group to unpack and reflect on the process and the artwork. Sometimes it is personal issues that are explored in the group but it can also be the residue that sits with us from client work or vacarious burnout.
The art making is non-directive and allows the group to explore new materials, gain insights from other practicing therapists and allow thier inner artist the time and place to play, be curious, explore and be supported by like minded people who all help to hold the safe space.
If you are interested in joining one of these groups please contact me as new groups are evolving all the time.